
Solr CLI

Primary LanguagePython


This CLI tool provides help with some routine Solr operations:

  • Import / Export data
  • Import / Export configs
  • Re-index Collection (WIP)


Python version >=3.8 required

pip install solar-cli


Export data

This command will save docs from <collection> to local folder ./data:

solar -c "<collection>" "https://<username>:<password>@localhost:8333" export ./data

Export nested documents

Solr can handle nested documents. To see nested structure of collection usually we add fl="*, [child]" to our query params. Solar can handle exporting nested documents by adding --nested flag:

solar -c "<collection>" "https://<username>:<password>@localhost:8333" export --nested ./data

Export config

If we want to save collection config, we can user export-config command:

solar -c "<collection>" "https://<username>:<password>@localhost:8333" export-config ./configs

This will all config files to local folder ./configs


Import data

Later, we can import previously exported data with import command, and ./data/<collection>.json as source file:

solar "https://<username>:<password>@localhost:8333" import ./data/<collection>.json

We do not have to specify collection name, source .json already have collection name. However, if we want to import data as collection with different name, we can set this with -c flag:

solar -c "<new collection name>" "https://<username>:<password>@localhost:8333" import ./data/<collection>.json

Import config

Solar can help you import configsets to your Solr instance:

solar -c "https://<username>:<password>@localhost:8333" import-config <config folder path>

This command will read files from provide config path, zip them, and send to Solr. By default, created config name will be equal to config folder name. For example, if we import config from ./configs/products, Solar will create config named products.

If we want to override default name, we can use --name flag:

solar -c "https://<username>:<password>@localhost:8333" import-config --name "product-v2" <config folder path>

This will create config product-v2.

Also, we can overwrite existing config with --overwrite flag

This flag will add cleanup=true and overwrite=true params to request for creating config. However it is recommended to create config with the new name, because in some cases, Solr caches fields types, and some changes of new config will not be applied. Goog practice is version control your configs and name them with version identifier (commit hash, for example) Using this flag also requires that no collections is linked to this config

solar -c "https://<username>:<password>@localhost:8333" import-config --overwrite <config folder path>


Remove config

Config <config name> can be removed from Solr with this command:

solar -c "https://<username>:<password>@localhost:8333" remove-config "<config name>"