
Mines not any different or any better then anybody elses... its just mine. Use if it if you like. Let me know what you think too!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Another Twitter Plugin For jQuery

Let me know what you think and suggestions and ideas!

Example Use

	user: 'twitter'

List of all the options along with their defaults

defaults = {
	user: 'twitter',
	search: '', //if search is blank, we'll default to a user timeline query
	numTweets: 5,
	appendTo: '', //if appendTo is blank, we'll add tweets to jQuery element by default
	tweetTemplate: '<div class="tweet">[tweet-text]<div class="time">[time-ago]</div></div>', //you can also user [avatar] if the includeAvatars option is true
	wrapperTemplate: '<div id="tweets"></div>',
	linkifyUsers: true, //finds @username in the tweet and links them to their twitter profile
	linkifyHashes: true, //finds #hashes and links them to twitter search
	linkifyLinks: true, //finds http(s):// links and makes them clickable
	includeRTs: true, //twitter api has an option on whether to include retweets in the timeline you are pulling
	includeEntities: true, //twitter api also has an option to pull entities... come to think of it, not sure why this even an option!
	includeTimeAgo: true, //if you want to have [time-ago] replaced with the number of seconds, minutes, hours or days since the tweet happened
	includeAvatars: false, //if you want to replace [avatar] with the URL of the avatar image. This means your template will need to include something like <img src="[avatar]">
	includeScreenName: false, //if you want to replace [screen-name] with the twitter username of the person tweeting. 
