
Get number of records in class

dansinclair25 opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi Guys,

This isn't an issue per say, but I was wondering whether there's a way to return the total number of records in a class using the PHP Library?

I know I can set the Limit, but I have Classes with 40k records in and as far as I can see there's no way of seeing how many records are in the class.

Any ideas welcome.



Found a solution.

I think what I'm trying to do might be fairly unique. I needed to get the total number of records in a class and getCount wasn't working.

The problem was that I wasn't setting anything like 'where' on the query so _query in parseQuery.php would always be empty. Therefore it would only send the standard request.

Here's a new function I created to get around this;

public function dsCountFind(){

    $urlParams = array();

        $urlParams['where'] = json_encode( $this->_query );
            $urlParams['include'] = implode(',',$this->_include);
            $urlParams['order'] = implode(',',$this->_order);
        if(!empty($this->_limit) || $this->_limit == 0){
            $urlParams['limit'] = $this->_limit;
            $urlParams['skip'] = $this->_skip;
        if($this->_count == 1){
            $urlParams['count'] = '1';

        $request = $this->request(array(
            'method' => 'GET',
            'requestUrl' => $this->_requestUrl,
            'urlParams' => $urlParams,

        return $request;

I also had to alter the getCount() function like so;

public function getCount(){
    $this->_count = 1;
    $this->_limit = 0;
    return $this->dsCountFind();

I'm new to PHP and Parse really so if there is a simpler way please post here, otherwise enjoy my workaround!


Thanks! Very useful 👍