- 1
- 4
Can't query using date
#135 opened by amiriskander - 3
Modified For Drupal
#171 opened by ElusiveMind - 1
how search file parseConfig.php?
#168 opened by NandoSantana - 0
matches query in parse php
#170 opened by manojvelyalan - 0
how filter this error ?
#169 opened by NandoSantana - 7
PHP Fatal error: Class 'parseRestClient'
#114 opened by atkinja - 0
Cant save simple data
#165 opened by molandim - 1
I am trying to send a push notification using query where objectId equals to
#162 opened by venkatiiitb - 4
- 1
File Upload
#161 opened by srinivaschintala - 0
how to write like oparator?
#163 opened by srinivaschintala - 2
cant save date to date field in parse
#158 opened by kitkat14 - 1
Issue with file upload
#160 opened by piyusharora1989 - 4
how can I login?
#113 opened by dsvb - 1
saving or updating only works on string fields
#156 opened by kitkat14 - 0
HELP URGENT on update row on User class using rest api
#155 opened by leonova - 0
subscription always shows as 0 when send notification to android using reset api
#154 opened by senthilcse - 0
Many-to-Many relationship
#153 opened - 2
- 2
Join two classes data
#152 opened - 1
Undefined property: stdClass::$code at line 267 in parse.php when " error: unauthorized"
#150 opened by tzoro - 1
Fatal error: Uncaught ParseLibraryException: [103]: error: class name must be a string thrown
#151 opened by genzki - 6
"Trying to get property of non-object" error
#145 opened by michalbobo - 2
Reason for inclusion of all files?
#148 opened by scarstens - 2
Do you accept pull requests?
#147 opened by scarstens - 0
Issue running tests
#144 opened by richarddwalsh - 1
How to delete a record by specific field value?
#143 opened by satheesh110 - 1
I couldn't use three values at where clause.
#142 opened by satheesh110 - 24
whereInQuery - Willing to pay for a fix
#127 opened - 2
- 3
Join 2 classes using ID in the pointer column
#136 opened by amiriskander - 0
Build me an app
#138 opened by ready4god2513 - 3
Title not working on parsePush for Android devices
#132 opened by dsmalicsi - 1
- 0
#134 opened by marckaraujo - 2
Get number of records in class
#130 opened by dansinclair25 - 4
Retrieving Pointers
#129 opened by Critter - 0
Installations typo
#131 opened by matpatten - 1
if no such objectId parseUser
#128 opened by SergeyKozlov - 1
retrieving child objects
#126 opened - 1
Add pointer
#125 opened - 1
Is it possible to query parseUser
#124 opened - 4
Any way to use Add or AddUnique
#121 opened by social-ink - 5
batch operations not implemented
#122 opened by michelhabib - 2
Can someone show me how to build an AND query on DATE?
#117 opened by ericoe - 1
Uncaught ParseLibraryException: [141]: error: Error thrown in /home/content/35/10518935/html/parsePHP3/parse.php on line 183
#118 opened by polo2244 - 0
Not sure how to use the find query and include
#116 opened by social-ink - 0
here's the thing want the invalid parameters error in response but the parse api returns this error
#115 opened by zerodark30 - 1
Getting 203 server response when trying to adding a user to my parse User class.
#112 opened by SinanEker