I couldn't use three values at where clause.
satheesh110 opened this issue · 1 comments
satheesh110 commented
This is my code
$parse = new parseQuery($table);
$parse->where($wField, $wValue);
$parse->where($wField1, $wValue1);
$parse->where($wField2, $wValue2);
//result->Not working
$parse = new parseQuery($table);
$parse->where($wField, $wValue);
$parse->where($wField1, $wValue1);
It didn't work. It works when I use two where functions. But not working if I use three where functions. Is it the correct way of adding where conditions or else... Please assist me on this one. Thank you.
satheesh110 commented
Sorry. It's working now. That was my mistake.