
A Swift package based on UIKit consisting of custom views, view controllers and other UI utilities

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


A Swift package based on UIKit consisting of custom views, view controllers and other UI utilities.


# Prepare Ruby environment
$ brew install rbenv ruby-build
$ rbenv install
$ rbenv rehash
$ gem install bundler

# Install fastlane
$ bundle install


Adding UXKit to an Existing Xcode App Project

From Xcode, go to File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency..., then enter the Git repo url for UXKit: https://github.com/andrewscwei/swift-uxkit.

Adding UXKit to an Existing Xcode App Project as a Local Dependency

Adding UXKit as a local Swift package allows you to modify its source code as you develop your app, having changes take effect immediately during development without the need to commit changes to Git. You are responsible for documenting any API changes you have made to ensure other projects dependent on UXKit can migrate easily.

  1. Add UXKit as a submodule to your Xcode project repo (it is recommended to add it to a directory called Submodules in the project root):
    $ git submodule add https://github.com/andrewscwei/swift-uxkit Submodules/UXKit
  2. In the Xcode project, drag UXKit (the directory containing its Package.swift file) to the project navigator (the left panel). If you've previously created a Submodules directory to store UXKit (and possibly other submodules your project may depend on), drag UXKit to the Submodules group in the navigator.

    Once dragged, the icon of the UXKit directory should turn into one resembling a package. If you are unable to expand the UXKit directory from the navigator, it is possible you have UXKit open as a project on Xcode in a separate window. In any case, restarting Xcode should resolve the problem.

  3. Add UXKit as a library to your app target:
    1. From project settings, select your target, then go to Build Phases > Link Binary With Libraries. Click on the + button and add the UXKit library.

Adding UXKit to Another Swift Package as a Dependency

In Package.swift, add the following to dependencies (for all available versions, see releases):

dependencies: [
  .package(url: "https://github.com/andrewscwei/swift-uxkit.git", from: "<version>"),


Ensure that you have installed all destinations listed in the Fastfile. For example, a destination such as platform=iOS Simulator,OS=18.0,name=iPhone 16 Pro will require that you have installed the iPhone 16 Pro simulator with iOS 18 in Xcode. In the CI environment, all common simulators should be preinstalled (see About GitHub Hosted Runners).

$ bundle exec fastlane test


Internal logging can be enabled by setting the UXKIT_DEBUG environment variable:

  1. From Xcode > Edit Scheme...
  2. Go to Run > Arguments tab
  3. Define UXKIT_DEBUG under Environment Variables, set it to any value or simply leave it blank