
Ruby test code chellenge

Primary LanguageRuby


  1. Please solve the following problem using Ruby, JavaScript or Java without using any third party gems, plugins, or jar files with the exception of test frameworks (i.e. MiniTest, RSpec, Mocha/Chai, JUnit, etc).
  2. Treat this problem as a library. No UI or file/console input is expected or required.
  3. Add a README.md file that at least includes:
    • runtime versions (e.g. Ruby 2.3)
    • how to install any dependencies
    • how to run your tests from the command line
  4. Many commits. Don't squash into a single commit.
  5. Please work on a feature branch and create a Merge Request into the master branch when you are ready for us to review your commits.

NOTE: if you choose to submit a Java solution either include the config files for Eclipse or IntelliJ and/or include a build script written using Ant, Maven, or Gradle so we can easily build your solution and run your tests.

Pricing Problem

Pricer is responsible for taking existing products and repackaging them for sale at electronic stores like Best Buy. Companies will phone up Pricer, explain the process and Pricer needs to quickly give them an estimate of how much it will cost. Different markups to the job:

  • Without exception, there is a flat markup on all jobs of 5%
  • For each person that needs to work on the job, there is a markup of 1.2%

Markups are also added depending on the types of materials involved:

  • If pharmaceuticals are involved, there is an immediate 7.5% markup
  • For food, there is a 13% markup
  • Electronics require a 2% markup
  • Everything else, there is no markup

Another system calculates the base price depending on how many products need to be repackaged. As such, the markup calculator should accept the initial base price along with the different categories of markups and calculate a final cost for a project.

The flat markup is calculated first and then all other markups are calculated on top of the base price plus flat markup.

Example 1:

Input:  $1,299.99, 3 people, food
Output: $1,591.58

Example 2:

Input:  $5,432.00, 1 person, drugs
Output: $6,199.81

Example 3:

Input:  $12,456.95, 4 people, books
Output: $13,707.63