
Perl module to report progress + store and retrieve the current status

Primary LanguagePerl



Time::Progress::Stored - Report progress + store and retrieve the current status


This module helps if you have a long running process which reports progress, but you need to actually display the progress to the user in a different process.

Typically this is a long running web request in the web server or in a job queue worker, while the web browser periodically sends ajax requests to get updated on the current progress status to show in a progress bar.

Time::Progress::Stored stores the progress report as the worker performs its job, and retrieves it from elsewhere where the report is needed.

The report is a hashref with the following details:

| id                | "progress-1454518121172"   |
| max               | 262                        |
| current           | 2                          |
| activity          | "Importing Business Units" |
| elapsed_seconds   | "1"                        |
| elapsed_time      | " 0:01"                    |
| finish_time       | "Wed Feb 3 16:50:54 2016"  |
| percent           | 0.8                        |
| percent_string    | " 0.8%"                    |
| remaining_seconds | "130"                      |
| remaining_time    | " 2:10"                    |
| is_done           | 0                          |


### In the worker process

my $progess_id = ...; # Probably comes from the client
my $max = @items * 2; # Let's say two passes over @items

my $redis = Redis->new( ... );
my $progress = Time::Progress::Stored->new({
    max         => $max,
    progress_id => $progress_id,
    storage     => Progress::Stored::Storage::Redis->new({ redis => $redis }),

# Do the work
for my $item (@items) {
    # Do stuff
    $progress->advance("Doing the first thing");
for my $item (@items) {
    # Do other stuff
    $progress->advance("Doing other stuff with $item->{name}");


### HTTP endpoint, e.g. a Mojo controller for /progress/:progress_id
sub get {
    my $self = shift;
    my $progress_id = $self->param("progress_id");

    my $storage = Time::Progress::Stored::Storage::Redis->new({
        redis => $self->redis,
    my $response_json = $storage->retrieve($progress_id)
        or return $self->render(status => 404, json => {});

    return $self->render(json => { progress => $response_json });

See Time::Progress::Stored on metacpan.org