
A lightweight, dependency free, wrapper for interacting with Tenable APIs.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


tenable_light.py is a lightweight, dependency free, wrapper for interacting with Tenable APIs.

tenable_light follows these principles:

  • No external dependencies. Follow Python's "batteries included" motto. All requests leverage Python's native urllib.
  • Work with system installs of Python 3. No need to create Python virtual environments.
  • All functions are provided in a single file for easy portability.
  • Provide authentication functions for Tenable APIs.
    • API key authentication.
    • Username / password authentication including a logout() function.
  • Provide a single raw API request function.

See Tenable's pyTenable for a full featured API library.


  • Python3


Place tenable_light.py in the same directory as your program.


$ git clone https://github.com/andrewspearson/tenable_light.git


$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/andrewspearson/tenable_light/main/tenable_light.py -O

NOTE: macOS users running Python 3.6+ will need to install certificates.

TLDR, run this command:

$ /Applications/Python {version}/Install Certificates.command

This seems to only be an issue on macOS.



import tenable_light

Client creation

Authentication information may be passed directly or through an INI file. See tenable.ini for INI file usage.

Tenable Downloads client reading Bearer token directly

downloads = tenable_light.Downloads('BEARER_TOKEN')

Tenable Downloads client reading Bearer token through an INI file

downloads = tenable_light.Downloads()

Tenable.IO client reading API keys directly

tio = tenable_light.TenableIO('ACCESS_KEY', 'SECRET_KEY')

Tenable.IO client reading username / password directly

tio = tenable_light.TenableIO(username='USERNAME', password='PASSWORD')

Tenable.IO client reading API keys through an INI file

tio = tenable_light.TenableIO()

Tenable.SC client reading API keys directly

tsc = tenable_light.TenableSC('ACCESS_KEY', 'SECRET_KEY')

Tenable.SC client reading username / password directly

tsc = tenable_light.TenableSC(username='USERNAME', password='PASSWORD')

Tenable.SC client reading API keys through an INI file

tsc = tenable_light.TenableSC()

If connection data is entered directly and through an INI, then connection data will be honored in the following order:

  1. API keys passed directly
  2. Username and password passed directly
  3. API keys passed via INI file

In order to avoid unexpected behavior, you cannot mix data from multiple sources. For example, if API keys are passed directly then options in the INI file will be ignored.

HTTPS proxy proxy= and SSL verification verify= options are also available to every client.

API request

After a client is established, you can use the API request function.

Full example

import tenable_light
import json

# Create client
tio = tenable_light.TenableIO('ACCESS_KEY', 'SECRET_KEY')

# GET example
response = tio.request('GET', '/scans')
for scan in json.load(response)['scans']:
    print(scan['name'] + ': ' + scan['status'])

# POST example
scan_id = str(100)
response = tio.request(
    endpoint='/scans/' + scan_id + '/export',
        "format": "csv"