
Generate kubernetes ingress TLS certificates automatically via Vault

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Generate kubernetes certificates automatically for your ingresses using Vault's PKI functionality

To have kube-gen-certs create your certificates automatically, either use the -forcetls option, or annotate your ingresses with kubernetes.io/tls-vault: "true".

kube-gen-certs will automatically add any tls certificates it does not find, and will update certificates as they are about to expire.

Cluster deployment

# Optional (hosted on docker hub)
$ make push REG="http://docker.astuart.co:5000" # e.g.

# Edit the dep.yml and/or copy to your personal manifest repo (you have one, right?)

# If you'd like to use configmaps and secrets for the configuration (as dep.yml does by default), then create them as follows, or from manifests wherever you store your config (again, a git repo, right??)

$ kubectl create secret generic vault-creds --from-literal=vault-token=${YOUR_VAULT_TOKEN}
$ kubectl create configmap vault --from-literal=addr=${YOUR_VAULT_ENDPOINT}

# Uncomment ROOT_CA environment var if vault uses a non-publicly-trusted CA for
# its own operation (probably, since that's the point)

$ kubectl create secret generic ca --from-file=ca.crt=${PATH_TO_YOUR_CA_CERT}

$ kubectl apply -f dep.yml

Usage of ./kube-gen-certs: -alsologtostderr log to standard error as well as files -forcetls force all ingresses to use TLS if certs can be obtained -incluster the client is running inside a kuberenetes cluster -log_backtrace_at value when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace -log_dir string If non-empty, write log files in this directory -logtostderr log to standard error instead of files -self-signed self-sign all certificates -stderrthreshold value logs at or above this threshold go to stderr -ttl string the time to live for certificates (default "240h") -v value log level for V logs -vault-role string the vault role to use when obtaining certs (default "vault") -vmodule value comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging