
Wikidata powered comparisons

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

    pyversions pypi pypistatus license coc codestyle

    Wikidata powered comparisons

    howmany is a Python package that leverages the Wikidata REST API to easily find and compare the dimensions of any object. You can use howmany to find the answers to questions including:

    Of note is that howmany can also do unit (ex: m <-> km) and dimension (ex: area <-> length x width) conversions during comparison calculations.



    howmany can be downloaded from PyPI via pip or sourced directly from this repository:

    pip install howmany
    git clone https://github.com/andrewtavis/howmany.git
    cd howmany
    python setup.py install
    import howmany

    Environment Setup

    The development environment for howmany can be installed via the following steps:

    1. Fork the howmany repo, clone your fork, and configure the remotes:


    Consider using SSH

    Alternatively to using HTTPS as in the instructions below, consider SSH to interact with GitHub from the terminal. SSH allows you to connect without a user-pass authentication flow.

    To run git commands with SSH, remember then to substitute the HTTPS URL, https://github.com/..., with the SSH one, git@github.com:....

    • e.g. Cloning now becomes git clone git@github.com:<your-username>/howmany.git

    GitHub also has their documentation on how to Generate a new SSH key 🔑

    # Clone your fork of the repo into the current directory.
    git clone https://github.com/<your-username>/howmany.git
    # Navigate to the newly cloned directory.
    cd howmany
    # Assign the original repo to a remote called "upstream".
    git remote add upstream https://github.com/andrewtavis/howmany.git
    • Now, if you run git remote -v you should see two remote repositories named:
      • origin (forked repository)
      • upstream (howmany repository)
    1. Use Anaconda to create the local development environment within your howmany directory:

      conda env create -f environment.yml


    See the example Jupyter notebook for full examples.

    import howmany
    from howmany.utils import (

    Getting labels, amounts and units

    eiffel_tower_qid = "Q243"
    height_pid = "P2048"
    eiffel_tower_label = get_wd_ent_label(qid=eiffel_tower_qid)
    eiffel_tower_height = get_wd_ent_prop_amount(qid=eiffel_tower_qid, pid=height_pid)
    eiffel_tower_height_unit = get_wd_ent_prop_unit(qid=eiffel_tower_qid, pid=height_pid)
        f"The {eiffel_tower_label} is {round(eiffel_tower_height)} {eiffel_tower_height_unit}s tall."
    # The Eiffel Tower is 324 metres tall.

    Simple comparisons of Wikidata items

    germany_qid = "Q183"
    soccer_field_qid = "Q8524"
    area_pid = "P2046"
    soccer_fields_in_germany_dict = howmany.compare(
        containers=germany_qid, entities=soccer_field_qid, pid=area_pid
    for k in soccer_fields_in_germany_dict.keys():
        amount = round(soccer_fields_in_germany_dict[k]["amount"], 2)
            f"You could fit {amount:,} {soccer_fields_in_germany_dict[k]['entity']}es inside {k}."
    # You could fit 50,453,300.88 association football pitches inside Germany.
    germanies_in_soccer_fields_dict = howmany.compare(
        containers=soccer_field_qid, entities=germany_qid, pid=area_pid
    for k in germanies_in_soccer_fields_dict.keys():
        amount = float_to_str(f=germanies_in_soccer_fields_dict[k]["amount"])
            f"You could fit {amount} {germanies_in_soccer_fields_dict[k]['entity']}s inside an {k}."
    # You could fit 0.0000000198 Germanys inside an association football pitch.

    Comparisons of Wikidata items with predefined amounts

    # Variables defined above...
    giant_new_wind_farm_label = "giant new wind farm"
    area_of_giant_new_wind_farm = 50
    unit_of_giant_new_wind_farm_area = "square kilometre"
    soccer_fields_in_giant_new_wind_farm_dict = howmany.compare(
    for k in soccer_fields_in_giant_new_wind_farm_dict.keys():
        amount = round(soccer_fields_in_giant_new_wind_farm_dict[k]["amount"], 2)
            f"You could fit {amount:,} {soccer_fields_in_giant_new_wind_farm_dict[k]['entity']}es inside the {k}."
    # You could fit 7,054.67 association football pitches inside the giant new wind farm.

    Comparisons across lists of containers or entities

    # Variables defined above...
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import seaborn as sns
    all_german_state_qids = ["Q64", ...]
    saarland_qid = "Q1201"
    saarlands_in_german_states_dict = howmany.compare(
        containers=all_german_state_qids, entities=saarland_qid, pid=area_pid
    # Code to order labels and area ratios...
    ax = sns.barplot(
        x=german_states_desc_saarland_area, y=german_state_desc_areas_in_saarlands
    ax.set_title("Area of German States in Saarlands", size=18)
    ax.set(xlabel="German State", ylabel="Area (Saarlands)")


    Please see the contribution guidelines if you are interested in contributing to this project. Work that is in progress or could be implemented includes:

    • Expand the unit conversion process in utils.py
    • Keep requests below the Wikidata REST API rate limit in howmany.compare()
    • Other suggestions welcome!

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