Works on PHP 7.0.0 RC6 and HHVM 3.10.1!
A Minecraft Beta 1.7.3 Server implemented in PHP, based off of Truecraft's implementation. Powered by ReactPHP (with some parts patched).
The goal of this project is not to be a fully-functional server, but rather a proof-of-concept for PHP and HHVM.
You need composer!
composer install
php server.php
or hhvm server.php
Make sure you're using the b1.7.3 client! Check the Allow use of Old Beta Minecraft Versions
This is a little coding exercise/project, it's not intended to be a serious application. :)
As you can tell, this is not the most performant implementation. It's being developed in a way that's fast to code, and readable.
I am also not a PHP programmer, or an advanced-level programmer, nor do I know much about socket programming! ;)
So if you have any comments or if you have any crazy fun/interesting ideas for me to consider, please feel free to create an Github issue!
View Things to make functional demo!
Evenement - Event Dispatching Library
ReactPHP - Low-level async event-driven library for PHP.
PHPUnit - PHP Testing Framework
Monolog - Logging Framework