
Comprehensive ESLint config for generic TS/JS or Vue/Nuxt apps with some optional extras (prettier, editorconfig, stylelint, lefthook, nuxt config removing auto imports, some generic useful utilities & types, vscode setup, tailwindcss & more). __NOT__ a template/starter/etc. Please do not copy blindly!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A comprehensive ESLint config primarily designed for either generic TS/JS applications or Vue {2,3}/Nuxt 3 applications on Frontend.

As a bonus, this "template" includes a Nuxt 3 config that completely disables auto-importing functionality as well as some useful generic types & utilities.

Everything is customizable, removable and overridable. Nothing is set in stone!

What's included

  • Package manager: pnpm with shamefully-hoist=true and save-exact=true set by default.
  • type: module & Node 18
  • ESLint rules:
    • Official "recommended" config
    • config-airbnb-base
    • config-prettier
      • Prettier is run separately.
    • @typescript-eslint/{eslint-plugin,parser}
    • plugin-disable-autofix
    • plugin-unicorn & plugin-sonarjs
    • plugin-vue & plugin-vuejs-accessibility
    • plugin-import & import-resolver-typescript
    • plugin-promise
    • plugin-n (nodejs specific rules)
    • plugin-optimize-regex
    • plugin-security
    • plugin-no-type-assertion
  • Prettier plugins:
    • organize-attributes as well as Vue official style guide compliant attributes order for Vue templates.
    • plugin-tailwindcss
  • tailwindcss
    • Includes tailwind config with some useful utilities & bug fixes
  • ts-reset
  • VSCode specific files
    • Settings to run Prettier on save for majority of the file types it's working with
    • Some tailwindcss specific settings
    • Extension recommendations
  • Stylelint configs:
    • config-recess-order (to sort properties)
    • config-standard-scss (general rules for CSS & SCSS)
    • config-prettier-scss (to work with Prettier)
    • config-recommended-vue (to support .vue files)
  • npm scripts to run linters & type checking
  • lefthook set up with pre-push hook to run linters