
My continuously-evolving Linux development environment.

Primary LanguagePuppet

My (Continuously Evolving) Linux Development Environment


  • Ubuntu: Operational
  • CentOS: Operational

Initial Setup

  • Fork this repo.
  • Fork this home repo.
  • Clone this repo and change the variables in provisioning/ansible/config/hosts to match your repo, name, and email.
  • Create a .data/ssh directory in the clone of this repo.
  • Create an ssh config file in the .data/ssh directory. This should point to the private key of your forked "home" repo. My config looks like this:
Host github.com
     User git
     IdentityFile ~/.ssh/github
     PubKeyAuthentication yes
     PasswordAuthentication no
     KbdInteractiveAuthentication no
     PreferredAuthentications publickey
  • Create a keys directory in .data/ssh and copy your github key into it. In the example above, my key is named github. My .data directory looks like this:


  • In your clone of this repo, run:
$ vagrant up ubuntu
  • Wait while Vagrant downloads the image and provisions the machine. Then run:
$ vagrant ssh ubuntu

That's it!