
View your xunit results using JavaScript

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Xunit Viewer

Takes all your XUnit and JUnit XML files and makes them readable


npm version Downloads on npm CI

Have a look at the demo


  • Generate a HTML single file with ability to search, filter
  • Render results out to the console, this comes with the ability to search and filter
  • Re-run the above when a file changes
  • Start a server with websockets to keep the browser in-sync with the data
  • Add files to the web app without having to re-run xunit viewer
  • Adds the meta data to the header so you can share the URL in places such as slack, example


Xunit Viewer supports node LTS version, but should support 10+

Usage, CLI

npm i -g xunit-viewer
xunit-viewer --help


xunit-viewer [command]

  xunit-viewer  Renders Xunit style xml results

  --version       Show version number                                  [boolean]
  -r, --results   File/Folder of results                     [string] [required]
  -i, --ignore    Ignore patterns                                        [array]
  -o, --output    Output filename               [string] [default: "index.html"]
  -t, --title     HTML title e.g. "My Tests"                            [string]
  -b, --brand     Provide a URL with your own logo                      [string]
  -f, --favicon   Provide a URL with your own favicon                   [string]
  -c, --console   Render in console                                    [boolean]
  -s, --server    Start a server and sockets for live updates
                                                      [boolean] [default: false]
  -n, --no-color  No color in the console                              [boolean]
  -w, --watch     Re-run when a file changes                           [boolean]
  -p, --port      Starts a server with sockets on that port, if no port is
                  provided then it will run on port 3000 (or next available)
  --help          Show help                                            [boolean]

  xunit-viewer -r file.xml                       a file
  xunit-viewer -r folder                         a folder
  xunit-viewer -r folder -i *-broke.xml          ignore
  xunit-viewer -r folder -o my-tests.html        rename output
  xunit-viewer -r folder -t "My Tests"           change HTML title
  xunit-viewer -r folder -b https://image.png    change the image
  xunit-viewer -r folder -f https://image.favico change the favicon
  xunit-viewer -r folder -c                      render in console
  xunit-viewer -r folder -c -s -o false          render in console and do not save
  xunit-viewer -r folder -c -n                   no color in console
  xunit-viewer -r folder -w                      start watch
  xunit-viewer -r folder -w -p 5050              watch at 5050

Usage, Node

Xunit Viewer is asynchronous so you may need to wrap it up like so

const xunitViewer = require('xunit-viewer')

const main = async () => {
  await xunitViewer({
    server: false,
    results: 'data',
    ignore: ['_thingy', 'invalid'],
    title: 'Xunit View Sample Tests',
    output: 'output.html'

If you are going to run it from a script with no other code

const xunitViewer = require('xunit-viewer')

  server: false,
  results: 'data',
  ignore: ['_thingy', 'invalid'],
  title: 'Xunit View Sample Tests',
  output: 'output.html'

Usage, React

not available


A list of available commands

npm i
npm start # this starts the dev app
npm release # this updates the code in the cli folder
npm run demo # this generates the demo
./bin/xunit-viewer # to run the local command line tool

npm test # runs the tests
npm run test:ci # runs without watch and also generates a html output
npm run lint # runs eslint
npm run update # updates the expected files for you
npm run build:cli # builds the js and copies it to the cli

Make sure your tests are running and passing, and the linter is passing as well

DO NOT commit the src/cli/static folder or the junit.xml file as part of your PR as these are auto generated and just clutters up the PR, future work will be done to not make them part of the repo but they currently need to be included for the tags

A suggested workflow for UI changes

  1. npm i to install the project
  2. npm start to start the dev application then you can make your changes quickly
  3. npm test to run the tests, run npm run updated to quickly update expected values
  4. npm run lint to make sure all the files and nice and linted
  5. npm build:cli in order to update the CLI with your UI changes
  6. ./bin/xunit-viewer -r data -o test-output.html in order to make sure the commands work as expected

If you work does not include any UI work then a suggestion is

  1. npm i to install the project
  2. ./bin/xunit-viewer ... in order to make sure the commands work as expected
  3. npm test to run the tests, run npm run updated to quickly update expected values
  4. npm run lint to make sure all the files and nice and linted

Help Wanted

I am always looking for sample data. If you have some results which you think are "interesting" then please raise an issue or pull request and we can add this to our sample data.


Raise any issues using GitHub and provide sample data where possible.

To help debug any issues please provide the following info

  • node and npm version
  • xunit viewer version
  • browser
  • sample xml

If you have issue migrating from Junit Viewer or older version of Xunit Viewer please feel free to raise an issue titled MIGRATION HELP

There is a v5 branch which maintained through Open Source PRs, this branch will not maintain npm audit issues