Twin Cities Bicycle Club
- AngularJS
- AngularJS Material
- Angular-route
- Chart.js
- justGage
- Moment.js
- responsive-tables
- SweetAlert
- Express.js
- Node.js
- Passport
- Moment.js
- PostgreSQL
- Fork the Repo to your GitHub and Clone it to your local work environment.
- Install all prerequisites.
The following software will be required in order to get this project to work.
- Navigate to the project directory and run npm install to install all dependencies.
- Create a database called tcbc in postgreSQL.
- Follow the TCBC_Postgres_Create_Final.sql file for a list of all SQL scripts to run in order to build out the database tables.
- Once the tables are built, you will need to populate some of the tables with information. These are also found in the TCBC_Postgres_Create_Final.sql file.
High level list of items completed.
- List of approved rides are publically viewable.
- Members that are logged in can sign up for rides and view their ride history.
- Miles that members sign up for are automatically added to their account when they complete rides with the club.
- Members can set and track mileage goals as well as get visualized reports on their biking activity.
- Ride Leaders and Admins can create rides and submit them for approval.
- Ride Leaders can check in riders the day of using their phone.
- Ride Leaders can add walk-up guests and members to that ride.
- Ride Leaders can account for insurance waivers being accepted or not during check-in process.
- Ride Leaders can mark rides complete which will add the miles to each member's account.
- Administrators can import CSV files that are exported from their current membership system.
- Administrators can manage permissions for members within the application.
- Administrators can edit mileage for members on rides they have completed.
Features that you would like to add at some point in the future.
- NodeMailer to send notifications to Administrators when rides have been submitted for approval.
- Allow multiple Ride Leaders on a ride.
Master branch will be deployed on Heroku. Future deployments can follow the same practice.
This is intended to be used by the Twin Cities Bicycle Club. User registration and login was built specifically to accomodate the need for member IDs that are managed by the Twin Cities Bicycle Club.
- Darren Rector
- Lukas Nord
- Patrick Connelly
- Paul Tiller
Thanks to the Twin Cities Bicylce Club and Board Member Bob Fix for the opportunity to create a new ride management and mile tracking system.
Thanks to our instructors at Prime Digital Academy and to our friends and family who supported us through our time during the program.
Thanks to all of the contributors to open source software that allowed us to build this application. Without access to Open Source software this project would not have been possible.