
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Install dependencies

  • install node and mongo
    $ brew install node mongo
  • install packages
    $ npm install
  • install sass
    $ sudo gem install sass


You only have to do this once.

  • ask in the slack channel for the secrets.js file
  • add the secrets.js file to the conf/ directory
  • ask in the slack channel for the .env file
  • add the .env file to the project root directory
  • generate assets with webpack
    $ npm run build

Provision MongoDB

  • Install Docker
  • docker-compose up -d mongo
  • Command starts a mongodb container running in the background, available at localhost
  • Run docker-compose stop to stop mongo container (will continue if not explicitly stopped)

Start app

  • start the database service
    $ docker-compose up -d mongo
  • start the application
    $ npm run start-dev

Populate the seed data

$ npm run seed

After running the seed task you should be able to log in to the app with username admin and password password.

View app

  • localhost:8080/login

Running the mongo shell

  • run docker ps and copy the CONTAINER ID associated with the docker container running mongo
  • run the shell in the docker container
    docker exec -it CONTAINER mongo