
A JavaScript parser and interpreter written natively in Go (golang)

Primary LanguageGo


-- import "github.com/robertkrimen/otto"

Package otto is a JavaScript parser and interpreter written natively in Go.

// Create a new runtime
Otto := otto.New()

	abc = 2 + 2
	console.log("The value of abc is " + abc)
	// The value of abc is 4

value, err := Otto.Get("abc")
	// value is an int64 with a value of 4
	value, _ := value.ToInteger()

Otto.Set("def", 11)
	console.log("The value of def is " + def)
	// The value of def is 11

Otto.Set("xyzzy", "Nothing happens.")
	console.log(xyzzy.length) // 16

value, _ = Otto.Run("xyzzy.length")
	// value is an int64 with a value of 16
	value, _ := value.ToInteger()

value, err = Otto.Run("abcdefghijlmnopqrstuvwxyz.length")
if err != nil {
	// err = ReferenceError: abcdefghijlmnopqrstuvwxyz is not defined
	// If there is an error, then value.IsUndefined() is true

Embedding a Go function in JavaScript:

Otto.Set("sayHello", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
	fmt.Printf("Hello, %s.\n", call.Argument(0).String())
	return otto.UndefinedValue()

Otto.Set("twoPlus", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
	right, _ := call.Argument(0).ToInteger()
	result, _ := otto.ToValue(2 + right)
	return result

result, _ = Otto.Run(`
	// First, say a greeting
	sayHello("Xyzzy") // Hello, Xyzzy.
	sayHello() // Hello, undefined

	result = twoPlus(2.0) // 4

You can run (Go) JavaScript from the commandline with: http://github.com/robertkrimen/otto/tree/master/otto

$ go get -v github.com/robertkrimen/otto/otto

Run JavaScript by entering some source on stdin or by giving otto a filename:

$ otto example.js

Optionally include the JavaScript utility-belt library, underscore, with this import:

import (
	_ "github.com/robertkrimen/otto/underscore"

// Now every otto runtime will come loaded with underscore

For more information: http://github.com/robertkrimen/otto/tree/master/underscore

Caveat Emptor

  • For now, otto is a hybrid ECMA3/ECMA5 interpreter. Parts of the specification are still works in progress.
  • For example, "use strict" will parse, but does nothing.
  • Error reporting needs to be improved.
  • Number.prototype.{toFixed,toExponential,toPrecision} are missing.
  • Does not support the (?!) or (?=) regular expression syntax (because Go does not)
  • Really, error reporting could use some improvement.

Regular Expression Syntax

Go translates JavaScript-style regular expressions into something that is regexp package compatible.

Unfortunately, JavaScript has positive and negative lookahead, which is not supported by Go's re2-like engine: https://code.google.com/p/re2/wiki/Syntax

A brief discussion of this limitation: "Regexp (?!re)" https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/golang-nuts/7qgSDWPIh_E


type FunctionCall

type FunctionCall struct {
	This Value

	ArgumentList []Value

FunctionCall is an enscapulation of a JavaScript function call.

func (FunctionCall) Argument

func (self FunctionCall) Argument(index int) Value

Argument will return the value of the argument at the given index.

If no such argument exists, undefined is returned.

type Object

type Object struct {

Object is the representation of a JavaScript object.

func (Object) Call

func (self Object) Call(name string, argumentList ...interface{}) (Value, error)

Call the method specified by the given name, using self as the this value. It is essentially equivalent to:

return self.Get(name).Call(self, argumentList)

An undefined value and an error will result if:

1. There is an error during conversion of the argument list
2. The property is not actually a function
3. An (uncaught) exception is thrown

func (Object) Class

func (self Object) Class() string

Class will return the class string of the object.

The return value will (generally) be one of:


func (Object) Get

func (self Object) Get(name string) (Value, error)

Get the value of the property with the given name.

func (Object) Set

func (self Object) Set(name string, value interface{}) error

Set the property of the given name to the given value.

An error will result if the setting the property triggers an exception (i.e. read-only), or there is an error during conversion of the given value.

func (Object) Value

func (self Object) Value() Value

Value will return self as a value.

type Otto

type Otto struct {

Otto is the representation of the JavaScript runtime. Each instance of Otto has a self-contained namespace.

func New

func New() *Otto

New will allocate a new JavaScript runtime

func Run

func Run(source string) (*Otto, Value, error)

Run will allocate a new JavaScript runtime, run the given source on the allocated runtime, and return the runtime, resulting value, and error (if any).

func (Otto) Get

func (self Otto) Get(name string) (Value, error)

Get the value of the top-level binding of the given name.

If there is an error (like the binding not existing), then the value will be undefined.

func (Otto) Object

func (self Otto) Object(source string) (*Object, error)

Object will run the given source and return the result as an object.

For example, accessing an existing object:

object, _ := Otto.Object(`Number`)

Or, creating a new object:

object, _ := Otto.Object(`{ xyzzy: "Nothing happens." }`)

Or, creating and assigning an object:

object, _ := Otto.Object(`xyzzy = {}`)
object.Set("volume", 11)

If there is an error (like the source does not result in an object), then nil and an error is returned.

func (Otto) Run

func (self Otto) Run(source string) (Value, error)

Run will run the given source (parsing it first), returning the resulting value and error (if any)

If the runtime is unable to parse the source, then this function will return undefined and the parse error (nothing will be evaluated in this case).

func (Otto) Set

func (self Otto) Set(name string, value interface{}) error

Set the top-level binding of the given name to the given value.

Set will automatically apply ToValue to the given value in order to convert it to a JavaScript value (type Value).

If there is an error (like the binding being read-only, or the ToValue conversion failing), then an error is returned.

If the top-level binding does not exist, it will be created.

type Value

type Value struct {

Value is the representation of a JavaScript value.

func FalseValue

func FalseValue() Value

FalseValue will return a value represting false.

It is equivalent to:


func NaNValue

func NaNValue() Value

NaNValue will return a value representing NaN.

It is equivalent to:


func NullValue

func NullValue() Value

NullValue will return a Value representing null.

func ToValue

func ToValue(value interface{}) (Value, error)

func TrueValue

func TrueValue() Value

TrueValue will return a value represting true.

It is equivalent to:


func UndefinedValue

func UndefinedValue() Value

UndefinedValue will return a Value representing undefined.

func (Value) Call

func (value Value) Call(this Value, argumentList ...interface{}) (Value, error)

Call the value as a function with the given this value and argument list and return the result of invocation. It is essentially equivalent to:

value.apply(thisValue, argumentList)

An undefined value and an error will result if:

1. There is an error during conversion of the argument list
2. The value is not actually a function
3. An (uncaught) exception is thrown

func (Value) Class

func (value Value) Class() string

Class will return the class string of the value or the empty string if value is not an object.

The return value will (generally) be one of:


func (Value) IsBoolean

func (value Value) IsBoolean() bool

IsBoolean will return true if value is a boolean (primitive).

func (Value) IsDefined

func (value Value) IsDefined() bool

IsDefined will return false if the value is undefined, and true otherwise.

func (Value) IsFunction

func (value Value) IsFunction() bool

IsFunction will return true if value is a function.

func (Value) IsNaN

func (value Value) IsNaN() bool

IsNaN will return true if value is NaN (or would convert to NaN).

func (Value) IsNull

func (value Value) IsNull() bool

IsNull will return true if the value is null, and false otherwise.

func (Value) IsNumber

func (value Value) IsNumber() bool

IsNumber will return true if value is a number (primitive).

func (Value) IsObject

func (value Value) IsObject() bool

IsObject will return true if value is an object.

func (Value) IsPrimitive

func (value Value) IsPrimitive() bool

IsPrimitive will return true if value is a primitive (any kind of primitive).

func (Value) IsString

func (value Value) IsString() bool

IsString will return true if value is a string (primitive).

func (Value) IsUndefined

func (value Value) IsUndefined() bool

IsUndefined will return true if the value is undefined, and false otherwise.

func (Value) Object

func (value Value) Object() *Object

Object will return the object of the value, or nil if value is not an object.

This method will not do any implicit conversion. For example, calling this method on a string primitive value will not return a String object.

func (Value) String

func (value Value) String() string

String will return the value as a string.

This method will make return the empty string if there is an error.

func (Value) ToBoolean

func (value Value) ToBoolean() (bool, error)

ToBoolean will convert the value to a boolean (bool).

ToValue(0).ToBoolean() => false
ToValue("").ToBoolean() => false
ToValue(true).ToBoolean() => true
ToValue(1).ToBoolean() => true
ToValue("Nothing happens").ToBoolean() => true

If there is an error during the conversion process (like an uncaught exception), then the result will be false and an error.

func (Value) ToFloat

func (value Value) ToFloat() (float64, error)

ToFloat will convert the value to a number (float64).

ToValue(0).ToFloat() => 0.
ToValue(1.1).ToFloat() => 1.1
ToValue("11").ToFloat() => 11.

If there is an error during the conversion process (like an uncaught exception), then the result will be 0 and an error.

func (Value) ToInteger

func (value Value) ToInteger() (int64, error)

ToInteger will convert the value to a number (int64).

ToValue(0).ToInteger() => 0
ToValue(1.1).ToInteger() => 1
ToValue("11").ToInteger() => 11

If there is an error during the conversion process (like an uncaught exception), then the result will be 0 and an error.

func (Value) ToString

func (value Value) ToString() (string, error)

ToString will convert the value to a string (string).

ToValue(0).ToString() => "0"
ToValue(false).ToString() => "false"
ToValue(1.1).ToString() => "1.1"
ToValue("11").ToString() => "11"
ToValue('Nothing happens.').ToString() => "Nothing happens."

If there is an error during the conversion process (like an uncaught exception), then the result will be the empty string ("") and an error.

-- godocdown http://github.com/robertkrimen/godocdown