
This package is version 1.7.3 obtained from the CRAN site http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/waveslim/index.html. The function dwt.2d in Version 1.7.3 does not work on non-square images. A correction has been made here which remedies this. This repo will be deleted once the correction is included in the CRAN version.


Please use devtools to install this package. Load devtools using library(devtools) and then install using install_github('andrewzm/waveslim').


The incorrect code was in src/dwt2.c. The following changes have been made

LL[i+k*(*N/2)] = Vout[k];
HL[i+k*(*N/2)] = Wout[k];

has been changed to

LL[i+k*(*M/2)] = Vout[k]; 
HL[i+k*(*M/2)] = Wout[k]; 


LH[i+k*(*N/2)] = Vout[k]; 
HH[i+k*(*N/2)] = Wout[k]; 

has been changed to

LH[i+k*(*M/2)] = Vout[k]; 
HH[i+k*(*M/2)] = Wout[k];