CPU: Arduino ProMini
PLL: Si5351 or/and Si570
Display: OLED 0.91" 128x32, OLED 0.96" 128x64, OLED 1.3" 128/132x64, I2C LCD 1602, MAX7219
Encoder: optical/mechanic rotary encode
Keypad: 0..6 buttons
Support different TRX architecture:
- Single IF superheterodyne.
- Direct conversion with 2x or 4x output.
- Direct conversion with quadrature output. Builtin CW key: auto/iamboc mode, 3 phrase memory, CW-VOX, touch mode
Project homepage http://dspview.com/viewtopic.php?t=202
Required libraries:
- UR5FFR_Si5351 https://github.com/andrey-belokon/UR5FFR_Si5351
- SSD1306Ascii - install from Arduino IDE
What's new in version 2.0
- Save current freq/band to EEPROM and restore on star
- Improved encoder unit. 4x increase pulses for mechanical encoder
- New Si5351 library
- Change power to 5v without I2C level conversion
- Many minor bugfixes
Copyright (c) 2016-2020, Andrii Bilokon, UR5FFR
License GNU GPL, see license.txt for more information