- [NFC PN532] (https://github.com/MaxguN/PN532/tree/p2p)
- [Multiplex7Seg4Digit] (https://github.com/andrey-ushakov/Multiplex7Seg4Digit)
- MsTimer2 library
- 1 x Arduino UNO
- 1 x Seeed Studio NFC Shield
- 1 x MPU-6050 (Gyroscope & Accelerometer)
- 1 x LED RGB to show current mode (Friendly / Unfriendly)
- 1 x LED to show if ability was recognized
- 1 x 4-digit 7-segment display to show current spaceship resources
- 3 x buttons to Switch mode, Record ability, Start NFC communication
- 2 x 74HC595 Shift registers to connect 4-digit 7-segment display to Arduino
- 3 x 10k Ohm resistors for buttons
- 7 x 220 Ohm resistors for LEDs
- 1 x Arduino UNO
- 1 x Seeed Studio NFC Shield