
IPSec XAUTH ikev1 VPN server (strongswan in docker)

Primary LanguageShell

StrongSwan as a Docker container

Latest image based on alpine, please use andrey0001/strongswan:alpine for it.

On alpine image path of config inside container changed.

IPSec XAUTH ikev1 VPN server

Just build it or pull it from andrey0001/strongswan and run it something like this:

docker run -t -d --privileged \
-e VPN_USER=user \
-e VPN_PASS=password \
-e VPN_PSK=secretkey \
--publish 4500:4500/udp \
--publish 500:500/udp \
--hostname strongswan \
--name strongswan andrey0001/strongswan:alpine
  • VPN_USER = username (default:user1)
  • VPN_PASS = password (default:Sup3rS3cr3t)
  • VPN_PSK = preshared key (default:s3cr3tk3y)
  • VPN_SUBNET = network (default:

You could add additional users to the file /etc/ipsec.secrets , then reload secrets by:

ipsec rereadsecrets

inside the container.