Gallery Video Picker

It is capacitor plugin that will help you to pick video path (duration, type, name, size) from gallery. You can also record video.

Android only support!


Use the package manager npm to install plugin.

npm install gallery-video-picker


import 'gallery-video-picker';
import { Plugins } from '@capacitor/plugin';

const { Camera } = Plugins;

const takeVideo = async () => {
  const options = {
      sizeLimit: 10, // Maximum size of file in megabytes (Only PickerVideoType.GALLERY)
      source: PickerVideoType.CAMERA, // PickerVideoType.CAMERA, PickerVideoType.GALLERY
      duration: 30,  // Maximum duration (Only PickerVideoType.CAMERA)
      quality: number, // Quality from 0 to 1. 0 - Bad quality, 1 - Good, 0.5 - So so

  const videoMetadata = Plugins.GalleryVideoPicker.getVideoFromGallery(options).then((result) => {
    // result 
        type: "video/mp4",
        name: "example.mp4", 
        path: "file:///storage/**", 
        duration: 30, // seconds
        size: 1277125 // bytes
const requestPermission = async () => {
  const options = {
      // Request access to record video - PickerVideoType.CAMERA, Request access to video gallery - PickerVideoType.GALLERY
      permissionType: PickerVideoType.CAMERA, 

  const videoMetadata = Plugins.GalleryVideoPicker.getPermissions(options).then(
      (res) => // { granted: true, permission: PickerVideoType.CAMERA },
      (err) => // { message: "Permission denied" }
const openSettings = async () => {
  const videoMetadata = await Plugins.GalleryVideoPicker.openSettings(); // Just open app settings


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
