An API to play with Spring and Java.
Just run YouDude, YouDude-Admin, and YouDude-Auth projects directly via your IDE.
Build the YouDude application:
mvn clean install -U
Build the YouDude Admin:
mvn clean install -U
Build the YouDude Auth:
mvn clean install -U
Then, from the "youdude" folder, you can run the Docker Compose command:
docker-compose -f compose.yml up -d --build
Generate authorization token doing HTTP POST request to this endpoint:
Adds this token in your HTTP header requests.
- Java 11
- Spring Boot
- Spring JPA
- Spring HATEOAS
- Spring Cache
- Spring Actuator
- Spring Admin
- Spring Security OAuth2
- Lombok
- Flyway
- PostgreSQL
- H2 - tests
- JUnit5
- Mockito
REST with Page endpoint: http://localhost:8080/youdude/rest/users
RESTFul endpoint: http://localhost:8080/youdude/hateoas/users
All metrics are exposed via the Spring Boot Admin. Just access the URL:
The security validation is done via YouDude-Auth service. It simulates a third-party service dedicated to generate and validate all security tokens.
All YouDude HTTP requests are validated by doing a request to YouDude-Auth, passing the token as a parameter. The YouDude-Auth has all logic to validate the token.