
Rust Scheme parser and a collection of compiler passes

Primary LanguageRust


Rust scheme parser definitions. I have been following r7rs for the formal syntax, but it shouldn't be too hard to switch to another version.

The parser is defined using nom.

I would like to note that as of right now - if you pick the Datum parser and parse an arbitrary program with it, it should not be too hard to implement a Scheme interpreter from those data structures.


What I am trying to achieve

I am not building a Scheme interpreter, but rather a set of tools to easily transform Scheme sources and data structures into representations that may be further useful for building compilers and interpreters. Thus from my side I am ignoring most of the standard library.

The future of this project is to compile the Scheme sources into a simple assembly language that works directly with contexts (stack frames), which are not a part of standard linear stack, but rather allocated on the heap.


  • Implement a non-recursive macro substitutor: given a macro definition my-macro and a call site of that macro: (my-macro argA argB), resolve that with a single pass of macro invocation. (implemented in rusch.eval.macros)
  • Implement a CPS transformer for all call sites of the program.
    1. at this step we're planning to substitute all macros
  • Implement a lambda lifter.
  • Implement type information pass.
    1. Support strings.
    2. Support function (closure) pointers.
    3. Aggressively raise errors for anything else.


For now, just look in tests.


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