Angularjs Interview Questions

1. Basics

  • What is MVC?
  • Please explain what is controller/model/view in angularjs
  • Please tell about life cycle of angularjs application

2. Architecture

  • Differences between Provider vs Factory vs Service
  • How do you prefer to develop the data access layer which communicate with REST service
  • Which service do you use: $http or $resourse or rest-angular?
  • How can you configure $http service?
  • What about q and promises in angularjs
  • Event model in angularjs
  • Do you use some sort of angular style guides
  • What is dependency injection? Explain difference between inline and explicit annotation

3. Directives

  • What is directive in angularjs?
  • List some built-in directives
  • Explain difference between 'compile' and 'link' callbacks in directive definition
  • List types of scopes directive can have

4. How it works

  • How works $digest?

5. Performance

  • What is the best practice to build your application
  • When it is necessary or whether it is necessary to use $scope.$apply