Django Multiuploader Plugin ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Readme for plugin of Django Multiuploader using jQuery Plugin by Sebastian Tschan( This is a plugin, made using multiupload form from Sebastian Tschan. It uses jQuey UI and jQuery instead of Flash uploader. On Django side it uses sorl-thumbnails and PIL. You can use it in your applications with simple inclusion tag Requirements: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - PIL(Python Imaging Library) (for sorl) - sorl-thumbnail's( (for thumbnails generation) - Django 1.2.5 + Tested: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Currently Tested full functionality under Chrome, Firefox and Safari. Opera somehow fails to add multiple Photos. Will try to fix them as soon as possible. Example usage: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Adding this AJAX form to your web site is as simple, as adding this 2 tags to your template: {% load multiuploader %} {% multiupform %} Also I've done a demo app repo here at my github. It's called django_multiuploader_usage_demo. For those who can not figure out this manual.) Also feel free to comment it on my blog or send me a e-mail with your troubles/suggestions and usage experience... Installation: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Install an app. Do it by adding: 'multiuploader', string to your -> INSTALLED_APPS = () dictionary. Note that is has to have 'sorl.thumbnail', working already. 2.Register urls in your root urlconf adding string to your urlpatterns like so : url(r'', include('multiuploader.urls')), 3.Copy or symlink files from plugins "media/" directory to your MEDIA_ROOT. 4.Edit templates and styles to meet your needs. (Optional) (for e.g. changing the form design and/or behavior) Settings: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- You can override plugin behavior by adding those settings to your root *File delete url to use in your app. default value is 'multi_delete' MULTI_FILE_DELETE_URL = 'multi_delete' *Url to show uploaded image, default is 'multi_image' + key to identify image (about 80 characters long): MULTI_IMAGE_URL = 'multi_image' *Folder to store uploaded pictures inside your MEDIA_ROOT folder MULTI_IMAGES_FOLDER = 'multiuploader_images' Model Usage: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Plugin stores Uploaded images to a simple model. It has some those fields: * "MultiuploaderImage.filename" CharField to store original (uploaded) file filename * "MultiuploaderImage.file" FileField to store file link to uploaded file in file system * "MultiuploaderImage.key_data" CharField with randomly generated key to use in your model * "MultiuploaderImage.upload_date" DateTimeField to store file upload data with auto now adding You can use it directly in your code like so: def multi_show_uploaded(request, key): image = get_object_or_404(MultiuploaderImage, key_data=key) url = return render_to_response('multiuploader/one_image.html', {"multi_single_url":url,}) And then in template: #'multiuploader/one_image.html' <img src="{{ multi_single_url }}"> I will not stop on model usage here for long. Fell free to ask me any questions appeared... Development plans: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Add a way to specify which model to use to store files. Changes: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- See CHANGELOG file for additional changes upon versions.