Completely Private GKE Clusters with No Internet Connectivity

This is a terraform config to deploy a completely private GKE cluster with no accses to the internet. It is an accompaniment to the following medium post. The post goes into more detail about the configuration behind these files.


There is a "variables.tfvars" file in the top level directory of the repo. Update this file to reflect your environment before running the deploy script or applying the terraform files.

The project ID in this file is commented out. This is to enable running the deploy script without the project ID value populated. Uncommenting and adding the ID value will run terraform without any prompts, otherwise project ID will need to be entered during the terraform apply.


To quickly deploy the terraform config files, there is a script available in the top directory called "".

git clone
cd no-inet-gke-cluster

If not using the deploy script, apply the various terraform files in this order:


The Environment

alt text

GCP Modules

The terraform files for the VPC and the GKE cluster are using the following Google maintained modules.

Terraform version

Tested with Terraform v0.11.*. Incompatible with Terraform 0.12.