Cross compilation is difficult and building on low-end boards takes a very long time. The basic approach here is to use QEMU/binfmt/docker and build on an x86_64 system.
To simplify management of docker images they only contain OS and basic dependencies. GHC/stack are mounted as a volume from a local directory.
If your user ID is anything but 1000 you may need to wrap this docker image with another one that adds your user/group. Otherwise you'll run into permission problems with the mounted local directories.
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. Worked with 14.04 as well but 16.04 runs QEMU better.
My kernel version at the moment is 4.4.0-22-generic x86_64.
QEMU at the moment is qemu-user-static 1:2.5+dfsg-5ubuntu10.1.
Binformat version is binfmt-support: 2.1.6-1.
Docker version is 1.11.2.
Take a look at an example platform script. Adjust to your liking. In my case ARM version of stack binaries looks like
└── debian-jessie-cortex-a15
├── cabal
├── local
│ └── bin
│ ├── alex
│ ├── happy
│ ├── stack
│ ├── stack-1.0.0-arm
│ ├── stack-1.0.2-arm
│ └── stack-1.1.0-arm
└── stack
├── build-plan
├── build-plan-cache
├── config.yaml
├── global-project
├── indices
├── precompiled
├── programs
├── setup-exe-cache
└── snapshots
Grab a stack binary and download an official GHC. At the moment stack doesn't manage GHC binaries on ARM, so, you'll need to install them following stack's convention under (in my case):
~/.armv7l/debian-jessie-cortex-a15/stack/programs/arm-linux# ll
total 12
lrwxrwxrwx 1 andrey andrey 10 Dec 15 22:48 ghc-7.10.2 -> ghc-7.10.3/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 andrey andrey 10 Dec 15 22:48 ghc-7.10.2.installed
drwxr-xr-x 5 andrey andrey 4096 Dec 15 22:44 ghc-7.10.3/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 andrey andrey 10 Dec 15 22:48 ghc-7.10.3.installed
Notice that 7.10.2 version is hacked to point to 7.10.3. This works in practice and not a terrible idea as each GHC release tends to fix at least a few ARM-related bugs.
Here's how to initialize, step by step (using ghc8 as an example, steps are the same for 7.10 branch) using paths from the platform script:
Set up directories mounted to platform docker container as volumes:
# mkdir -pv ~/.armv7l/debian-jessie-cortex-a15/local/bin
# mkdir -pv ~/.armv7l/debian-jessie-cortex-a15/cabal
# mkdir -pv ~/.armv7l/debian-jessie-cortex-a15/stack
Download ARM stack binary:
# cd ~/.armv7l/debian-jessie-cortex-a15/local/bin
# wget -O stack.gz
# tar xvf stack.gz
# mv stack-1.1.2-linux-arm/stack .
# chmod 755 stack
# rm -rf stack-1.1.2-linux-arm stack.gz
Launch platform image (those local, cabal and stack directories are mounted as ~/.local, ~/.cabal and ~/.stack now):
# bin/docker-haskell-platform-armv7l jessie /bin/bash
# export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH
# which stack
# stack setup
Stack setup will run for a while but complain that it doesn't know how to install GHC:
I don't know how to install GHC for (Linux,Arm), please install manually
Download GHC (outside of the docker container to make it run faster):
# cd ~/.armv7l/debian-jessie-cortex-a15/stack/programs/arm-linux
# wget
# tar xf ghc-8.0.1-armv7-deb8-linux.tar.xz
Install GHC (continuing inside the docker container):
# cd ~/.stack/programs/arm-linux
# mv ghc-8.0.1 ghc-8.0.1-dist # tar.xz uses same dir name as the target
# rm ghc-8.0.1-armv7-deb8-linux.tar.xz
# cd ghc-8.0.1-dist
# ./configure --prefix ~/.stack/programs/arm-linux/ghc-8.0.1
# make install
# cd ~/.stack/programs/arm-linux
# rm -rf ghc-8.0.1-dist
# touch ghc-8.0.1.installed
Follow the same steps to install 7.10.3 branch and you'll have a working environment capable of building stackage packages for ARM. In practice the binaries produced with this environment are fairly portable because most of the stuff is linked in statically and debian itself targets many systems.
Run stack:
# docker-haskell-platform-armv7l jessie stack --version
Version 1.1.0 arm hpack-0.13.0
Run shell:
# docker-haskell-platform-armv7l jessie /bin/bash
debian@f2e21cb6b981:~/a$ uname -a
Linux f2e21cb6b981 4.4.0-22-generic #40-Ubuntu SMP Thu May 12 22:03:46 UTC 2016 armv7l GNU/Linux
andreyk0/haskell-platform-armhf-debian-jessie - all GHC dependencies without the GHC itself. andreyk0/armhf-debian-jessie - base debian jessie image, taken from an SD card right after minimal install.
make create-armhf-debian-jessie-image -- base OS docker image
make publish-armhf-debian-jessie-image -- publishes ^^ to registry
make create-haskell-platform-armhf-debian-jessie -- adds packages required to run ghc to base
make publish-haskell-platform-armhf-debian-jessie -- publishes ^^ to registry