
A dictionary demo app in elixir

Primary LanguageElixir


Weber is an assesmenet task used to demonstrate coding skills in Elixir as well as some practicies, like DDD, ES, and CQRS It is a command line-based dictionary application, similar to https://www.merriam-webster.com/

Weber provides a simple functionality

  • Add new word entries and fill it with information
  • Look up a word and show some explanations
  • Show example sentences
  • Show synonyms and antonyms
  • Record lookup history in PostgreSQL
  • Show illustrations

Setup guide


  • PostgreSQL
  • ImageMagick (you can check ImageMagick availability by running 'display' command in shell)


  1. Check out latest master branch
  2. Update PostgreSQL config in config/config.exs. There are two entries:
  • Jornal (write model)
    config :eventstore, EventStore.Storage,
        serializer: Commanded.Serialization.JsonSerializer,
        username: "postgres",
        password: "postgres",
        database: "weber_dev",
        hostname: "localhost",
  • Projections (read model)
        config :weber, Weber.Projection.Repo,
            database: "weber_read",
            username: "postgres",
            password: "postgres",
            hostname: "localhost"
    Please use two different databases for Journal and Projections to avoid conflicts during ecto migrations
  1. Initialize databases by running commands

    mix do ecto.create, ecto.migrate
    mix do event_store.create, event_store.init 
  2. Compile project

    MIX_ENV=prod mix escript.build

    If you prefer development configuration and want to see some internal logs, please compile project for Dev environment

    mix escript.build
  3. Seed example data


    Seed script will use weber app to fill the data into database

  4. Run application and read help

    ./weber --help

    Some 3dparty libraries used in weber will pollute console output with IO.warn messages. Please send me a message or create a new issue if you know how to suppress it for production environment.

  5. Try some predifined words like

 ./weber show horse 
 ./weber show absent 
 ./weber show cat
  1. To clean up database just run tests
mix test