
Project 1: To-Do List App

Primary LanguageSwift

Project 1: To-Do List App


Thursday, February 25 at 11:59 PM


In Project 1, you will build your own Utility app - a To-Do List. As you would expect, the app is simple. You are able to view your existing tasks, mark a task as completed, delete a task, add a new task, and view stats about how many tasks you have completed in 24 hours. As long as your application conforms every one of our required criteria (see below), you can add whatever additional features, views, UI, etc. you want.


  1. Fork the assignment's repository from (https://github.com/iosdecal).
  2. Clone your forked repository to your local machine (the URL should contain YOUR_USERNAME/ios-decal-..).
  3. Add an upstream remote that points to our original repository.
  4. Create a To-Do List app
  • Required
    • General
      • Create a Universal app when you construct your Xcode project.
      • UI must scale to iPhone 6 and up and all iPads in both Portait and Landscape orientations.
        • Hint: Think Auto-Layout. For UILabels, autoshrink in the Attributes Inspector is also useful.
    • To-Do List Table View
      • Ability to visually mark a task as completed
      • Tasks must automatically clear 24 hours after they are marked as completed
      • Ability to delete a task
      • Button to add a To-Do Item (goes to Add To-Do Item View)
      • Button to view Stats (goes to Daily Stats View)
    • Add To-Do Item View
      • Ability to add a task, where entering text and confirming returns to the To-Do List Table View, now updated with the new task added
      • Ability to cancel and return to To-Do List Table View without adding a task
    • Daily Stats View
      • Displays the number of tasks completed in the past 24 hours
      • Ability to return to To-Do List Table View
  • Optional
    • Make the data persistent, so that when you close the application and reopen it, your preexisting tasks are restored.
  1. Add, commit, and push your modified file(s) to your forked remote repository.