
A code exercise about APIs...and cars

Primary LanguageRuby

Test Project for Ally


I use Sinatra as base framework for API, DataMapper as ORM, Test-Unit for acceptance tests For database - PostgreSQL with 'earthdistance' and 'cube' extensions to get ranged by distance collection.

DataMapper has strange issue which blocks us from importing data, solved with updating version from 2.0.0 to 2.1.2 https://goo.gl/a1hHea

Installation notes

  • Install gem dependency manager - gem install bundler
  • Install PostgreSQL and pg extension
    • Mac OS X related
    • Linux related
  • Create database createdb ally_development
  • Define environment variable - export DB_DSN=postgres://localhost/ally_development
  • Install all gems bundle install --binstubs
  • Inject PostGIS extensions to enable distance calculation - rake udf
  • Insert demo data from data.json - rake init
  • Start web app - rackup
  • Open in browser - "http://localhost:9292/cars?location=1,2"
  • Run acceptance tests - rake (please, ensure that you started server)
  • Run unit tests - rake unit