Decorator to automatically bind methods to class instances
- 4
Using along with Jest
#86 opened by budziam - 8
If bound methods or fields are re-assigned, they become shared between instances
#76 opened by betalb - 8
Break sinon.spy(Component.prototype, 'method')
#47 opened by noru - 1
can't auto bind this in class
#85 opened by drdevelop - 6
- 2
this.props is undefined on autobind decorator
#84 opened by flexy1994 - 4
Not Compatible Under IE 11
#83 opened by JackieLs - 3
- 5
- 3
Autobind not working with inheritance
#81 opened by newduke - 5
- 10
- 29
Uglify errors in react scripts
#73 opened by harinair - 1
upgrade deps
#68 opened by stevemao - 3
v2.2 breaks create-react-app v1
#72 opened by nmitha - 3
- 2
- 17
Can't minify version 2.2.0
#69 opened by kristofferabell - 6
No longer works with TypeScript 2.4
#59 opened by viridia - 1
TS declaration is missed
#70 opened by volodymyrkr - 1
export boundClass and boundMethod
#67 opened by stevemao - 9
- 1
- 8
Not working well with react-native 0.53.3
#62 opened by mieszko4 - 16
Maintainers needed
#35 opened by andreypopp - 7
@autobind race-condition
#36 opened by fab1an - 3
- 9
Autobind doesn't bind functions to class prototype
#40 opened by jamby - 16
- 1
Usage outside classes
#30 opened by kasperlewau - 9
Does not work with Babel 6.0
#13 opened by Grmiade - 2
Does not work on windows
#21 opened by iano123 - 4
- 6
- 3
- 3
autobind make react-hot fails
#52 opened by magicdawn - 5
- 2
autobind doesn't work with typescript
#50 opened by rohmanhm - 3
- 2
- 1
Async support
#48 opened by damianobarbati - 6
Missing License
#24 opened by elijahdorman - 1
[React JS] Method has decorators, put the decorator plugin before the classes one
#44 opened by thearabbit - 2
Parsing error: Unexpected character '@'
#31 opened by jfeldstein - 2
Default export gets overwritten in generated code (breaks usage with TypeScript)
#37 opened by pelotom - 4
[PROPOSAL] Ability to unbind some method
#20 opened by Johnius - 1
- 9
How to pass params?
#28 opened by dineshvgp - 2
About maintaining
#17 opened by kuraga - 4
1.3.1 build appears to be broken
#12 opened by joshschumacher