Julia REPL plugin for vim/neovim
Install the support Julia package:
using Pkg
Now when you start julia
you can do:
using REPLVim
@async REPLVim.serve()
this starts a REPL server (default port 2345) the editor can connect to.
to start on a specific port run:
@async REPLVim.serve(<portnumber>)
In your .vimrc
Plug 'andreypopp/julia-repl-vim'
to install the editor plugin.
In editor to connect to the REPL server:
:JuliaREPLConnect <portno>
Now <leader>e
will eval the current line or the current selection in REPL as
if you typed it directly.
REPL completions are also available,but not enabled by default. Enable with
let g:julia_repl_complete=1
in your vimrc
The <C-x><C-o>
omni completion will query REPL for
REPL server code is based on RemoteREPL.jl project.