
Methodology for health checking of teams

Team Health Check

Scale | Indicators | Template | Analysis


  • Worst - 0
  • Bad - 1
  • Neutral - 2
  • Good - 3
  • Best - 4



  • Teamwork
  • Fun
  • Help from other
  • Team Mission


  • Quality
  • Speed


  • Processes in team
  • Learning


  • Decision Making
  • Product Value


Indicator Rating "Worst" Rating "Best"
Teamwork I don't like working with these people. We are a great, close-knit team!
Fun Boredom. I love going to work and spending time together!
Help from other It's easier to do everything yourself than to ask someone else for help. The guys from my team are very responsive and will always come to the rescue.
Team Mission We have no idea why we work here, our mission is unclear. We know exactly what we are here for, and we are very happy about it!
Quality Our quality is a complete disappointment. We are proud of what we do! The code is clean, the tests are clear, the documentation is easy to find!
Speed It seems like it will never end. Constant blockers! Everything is done very quickly, without delays!
Processes in team It's unpleasant, a lot of manual work that takes forever. Simple, fast and mostly automated.
Learning We never have time to learn anything! We are constantly learning new things!
Decision Making We are just cogs in the project, we don’t decide anything. We decide what to do and how to do it better!
Product Value I'm ashamed of this product. We make a great product and take pride in what we do!


To obtain an indicator score, the average value of the participant scores of the indicator is used.

To obtain an indicator group score, the average value of the indicator scores of the group is used.

To obtain a team score, the average value of the indicator group scores is used.

  • 0-1 - there are serious problems, action needs to be taken
  • 1-2 - there is a need for improvements
  • 2-4 - everything is ok