
Traccar API wrapper under simpligps-standard

Primary LanguagePHP

Laravel traccar API Wrapper

Client Facade

You can use the client in order to make request to the global api, it is auto=registered as TraccarClient by default but you can change it by adding the alias in the conf/app.php


return [
    // ...
    'aliases' => [
        // ...
          'CustomName' => Javleds\TraccarApi\Facades\Client::class,
        // ...

It could be used while we finish to develop each endpoint for the current API.


Method Is static Parameters Return type Can throws
get [x] $url: string
$parameters: array<k,v>
$options: array<k,v>
mixed Exception
post [x] $url: string
$parameters: array<k,v>
$options: array<k,v>
mixed Exception
put [x] $url: string
$parameters: array<k,v>
$options: array<k,v>
mixed Exception
delete [x] $url: string
$parameters: array<k,v>
$options: array<k,v>
mixed Exception



Name Type
$id int
$name string
$uniqueId string
$status string
$disabled boolean
$lastUpdate DateTime
$positionId int
$groupId int
$phone string
$model string
$contact string
$category string
$geofenceIds int[]
$attributes object
Method Is static Parameters Return type Can throws
find [x] $id: string Device Exception
delete [ ] string Exception
getId [ ] string
getName [ ] string