#Discount Calculator This project is an assignment of mobile cs411 class. ##Objective The objective of this assignment is modify the previous assignment to include any additional models, views, and controllers needed to enable the user to convert the currency between a home currency and a foreign currency. The exercise is meant to illuminate the ease in which additional features can be added to an application if one adheres to an object oriented design. The second objective of this exercise is to introduce the use of RESTful HTTP API. The assignment will use Yahoo’s Yahoo Query Language to query Yahoo Finance’s exchange rate service for the current exchange rates between a home and foreign currency. Lastly, this application makes use of object serialization to store the exchange rates to the computer’s file system. ##Features The Discount Calculator is an iPhone app which allows a user to enter a dollar amount, discount rate, additional discount rate, and sales tax rate to calculate and visualize the cost of an item. The Discount Calculator provides a simple graph to illustrate how much saved from the original price. Moreover, the calculator enable the user to convert the currency between a home currency and a foreign currency. ##Usage The user must enter the values of dollar amount, discount rate, additional discount rate, and sales tax and press "calculate" buttom. The program will show the values of price with tax, price with discounts and price with discount and tax. The user must to swipe to left to see the graphs. And, press "back" buttom to go back to initial form. To use the currency converter, the user must swipe to right to see an screen wich shows a list of 11 currencies to choose. After choose the home curency, the user must choose the foreign currency. The application will turn back to the first screem and show the discount value converted. ##Bugs This program cannot show the percent and value of saved money in graph when this value is too low. This program is not able to check if the textfield is empty after clear it pressing the clear buttom. ###Author Andreza da Costa Medeiros andreza.cmedeiros@gmail.com andreza@csu.fullerton.edu