
Benchmarks of artificial neural network library for Spark MLlib

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Benchmarks of artificial neural network implementation for


The goal is to benchmark the library, compare it with the other tools and test scalability with the number of nodes in the cluster.

The intention is to test a big model. Data is small so the time needed to read the data can be ignored.


GCC 4.8.2

RedHat 6.x has an older GCC compiler that has libgfortran library that is incompatible with netlib-java wrappers. Check GCC version: gcc -v. New GCC should be ALWAYS in your path:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/new/gcc/lib64


export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/your/openblas
  • Create symlink to OpenBLAS within its folder
ln -s libopenblas.so libblas.so.3
  • To use OpenBLAS, add it to your library path. Make sure there is no other folder with libblas.so.3 in your path.
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/your/openblas


  • Download and install the latest CUDA and GPU driver (usually comes with CUDA)
  • NB! you need the reference CBLAS library to run NVBLAS through Spark
  • NVBLAS needs configuration file to run
export NVBLAS_CONFIG_FILE=/your/cuda/lib64/nvblas.conf
  • To use NVBLAS, add CBLAS and CUDA to your library path. Also, preload NVBLAS symbols (it is better to do this right before launching Spark otherwise all your shell commands will go through NVBLAS causing errors). Make sure there is no other folder with libblas.so.3 in your path.
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/your/cblas:/your/cuda/lib64
export LD_PRELOAD=/your/cuda/lib64/libnvblas.so




  • Download Caffe
  • Configure Makefile.config to point to the same OpenBLAS lib (and CUDA) as for Spark
  • Change Solver to Double precision tools/caffe.cpp:
 sed -i "s/float/double/g" caffe.cpp
  • Compile Caffe
  • Set environment variable:
export $CAFFE=/your/caffe/
  • Download mnist dataset and convert it to lmdb:
  • Run the benchmark with the model provided:
$CAFFE/build/tools/caffe train --solver=mnist-lmdb-5h.solver


  • Hardware/Software setup:
    • Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E31240 @ 3.30GHz, 16GB RAM
    • RedHat 6.4, OpenBLAS
    • Total 6 machines
    • Spark: one master, 5 workers

Preliminary results (s):

Nodes ANN-total ANN-compute Caffe Caffe60K
5 29 21 62 56
4 27 24 62 56
3 35.2 33 62 56
2 47 44 62 56
1 86 84 62 56

The lastest results are in the spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13U1fwF5-h90X-VeF01dOT-IlJtwYa1AsRtCBjAkSqKI/edit?usp=sharing