
Beginning Python for Text Processing

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Beginning Python for Text Processing

This repository contains the slides, code, and required texts of my talk “Taming The Python for Text Crunching”. The target audience are people new to Python programming and Text processing. The talk and its practises is designed to take about two houres.


All code is written in Python and provided as Jupyter Notebooks. Each experiment expands upon the previous one, so they should probably be read in order. To experiment with the code without having to worry about installing Python and the required dependencies, Google Colaboratory, a free Jupyter Notebook environment for research and education, can be used.


I thank to DMSN group, SBM, ITB for the opportunity to deliver this short workshop and force me to complete this material.


Creative Commons License

The contents of this talk are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0).

All code and generated output is hereby released into the public domain (CC0).