A command-line application written in TypeScript that interacts with Jira's API to fetch issues with type "Bug" and calculate the time spent for the specified time range
- Node 20 or higher
- Set up your jira configuration by copying config.example.json to config.json:
cp config.example.json config.json
- Install all package and dependencies.
npm run install
- Build the project
npm run build
- Run the script
node dist/Main.js --since 2023-04-04 --until 2024-03-03
- This tool will generate json file, output.json
[ { "id": "20001", "key": "PROJ-2", "project": "Project Alpha", "isResolved": true, "priority": "Medium", "summary": "There's a bug here", "createdDate": "2024-03-14T09:04:24.703+0700", "resolutionDate": "2024-03-14T09:48:34.739+0700", "timeSpent": 2650.036, "status": "Done", "assignee": { "displayName": "Alex Johnson", "accountId": "70121:abcd1234-101e-4ffc-82cc-db88059b80ad", "accountType": "atlassian", "active": true, "emailAddress": "alex.johnson@example.com" } } ]
If you wanna run this script globally, just simply run this command first in the project directory
sudo npm install -g .
Now you can run this program every where, just simply by typing this
issue-tracker --since 2023-04-04 --until 2024-03-03
Usage: Jira issue tracker
-s, --since <since> Since date
-u, --until <until> Until date
-h, --help display help for command
Made with ❤️ by Aan