Primary LanguageJavaScript

Purwadhika Final Project Repository

This project uses React.js with Vite for the frontend, Express.js for the backend, and TurboRepo for monorepo management, facilitating rapid development of a scalable web application with streamlined collaboration and efficient server-client interactions.

Available Scripts

npm run dev

Runs the app in the development mode.

Open http://localhost:5173 to view it in the browser. For API, you can access it in http://localhost:8000/api. The app will reload if you make edits.

npm run build

Builds the app for production to the dist folder for each project.

npm run serve

Runs the app in the production mode.

npm run <task> --workspace=<app-name>

Run command on specific app (install package, run test, etc).

npm run <task> --workspace=<app-name> -- --<option>

Run command on specific app with options.

Example : npm run seqeulize --workspace=api -- --db:migrate


Commit & Pull Request

  • Always use conventional commit message when committing changes or creating pull request
  • "Squash and Merge" your pull request to main branch

Naming Convention


File Naming Conventions:

  1. Use CamelCase for filenames:

    • Begin filenames with a lowercase letter.
    • For multiple words, capitalize the first letter of each subsequent word.
    • Example: index.js, userModel.js, dataAccess.js
  2. Use Descriptive Names:

    • Choose names that accurately describe the file's purpose or content.
    • Avoid overly generic names like utils.js unless the file genuinely contains utility functions.
  3. Follow Naming Conventions for Specific File Types:

    • For configuration files, use names like .env, config.js, or settings.json.
    • Use consistent naming for test files, such as appending .test.js or .spec.js to the filename being tested.
    • Use package.json for the project's metadata and dependencies.
  4. Separate Concerns with File Naming:

    • Follow a modular structure for different concerns (e.g., userController.js, userService.js, userModel.js for a user-related module).

Folder Naming Conventions:

  1. Use Singular or Plural Naming:

    • Choose a consistent convention for naming folders (e.g., models or model, routes or route).
  2. Avoid Special Characters and Spaces:

    • Use hyphens (-) or underscores (_) for separating words in folder names, but avoid spaces or special characters.
  3. Use Descriptive Names for Folders:

    • Name folders according to their content or purpose (e.g., controllers, services, utils, tests, public, views, etc.).
  4. Nested Folder Structure:

    • Create a logical and organized folder structure based on the project's architecture.
    • For larger projects, consider organizing files by features/modules (Feature-Based Structure) or layer-based (Layered Structure).