
Primary LanguageShell



Setting up a new developer machine can be an ad-hoc, manual, and time-consuming process. bootstrap aims to simplify the process with easy-to-understand instructions :

But...I Don't Need All These Tools!

bootstrap is geared to be more of an organized reference of various developer tools.

If you're interested in automation, bootstrap provides a customizable setup script. There's really no one-size-fits-all solution for developers so you're encouraged to make tweaks to suit your needs.

Single Setup Script

Running with Git

Clone the Repo
$ git clone https://github.com/danieldop/bootstrap.git && cd bootstrap
Run scripts using command line

Since you probably don't want to install every section, you can just run each script separately. Below are some examples.

Run zsh.sh, osxprep.sh, brew.sh, and osx.sh - common libraries:

sh zsh.sh
sh osxprep.sh
sh brew.sh
sh osx.sh

Run osxprep.sh, brew.sh, and osx.sh, and datastores.sh:

sh zsh.sh
sh ops.sh
sh brew.sh
sh datastores.sh

Scripts geared towards Front-End engineer:

sh zsh.sh
sh osxprep.sh
sh brew.sh
sh ops.sh
sh web.sh

Scripts geared towards Back-End engineer:

sh zsh.sh
sh osxprep.sh
sh brew.sh
sh ops.sh
sh server.sh

Scripts geared towards Mobile engineer:

sh zsh.sh
sh osxprep.sh
sh brew.sh
sh ops.sh
sh mobile.sh


  • osxprep.sh
    • Updates OS X and installs Xcode command line tools
  • brew.sh
    • Installs common Homebrew formulae and apps
  • osx.sh
    • Sets up OS X defaults geared towards developers
  • web.sh
    • Sets up JavaScript web development
  • server.sh
    • Sets up Java development
  • ops.sh
    • Sets up K8s & Helm development
  • datastores.sh
    • Installs MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, ElasticSearch and DB IDEs - Sequel Pro & RoboMongo
  • mobile.sh
    • Installs iOS Env|Android Env|React-Native Env


  • Before installing mobile.sh please make sure to install Xcode from AppStore or Developer poortal first.
  • When installing the Xcode command line tools, a dialog box will confirm the installation.
    • Once Xcode is installed, follow the instructions on the terminal to continue.
  • brew.sh, which takes a while to complete as some formulae need to be installed from source.
  • When scripts complete, be sure to restart your computer for all updates to take effect.