
Hydration tracker app using clean architecture with jetpack library

Primary LanguageKotlin

Hydration Tracker

This app is used to track water consumed per day. This app helps remind us about our goals to drink water in a day. We can set our own goals and see histories by date

Tech Stack

  • 100% Kotlin, using coroutines for background thread
  • Splash Screen API
  • Jetpack Compose for UI Components
  • Work Manager for automation task scheduler
  • Room Database
  • Dagger hilt for dependency injection
  • Navigation components

Folder Structures

The structure module used follows the guidelines of a clean architecture by dividing it into several folders with the following details

  • data : Used to handle all of the transactions in the application (mainly used to handle database transaction)
  • di : DI stands for Dependency Injection, use to inject class that we will need to use in our application
  • navigation : Used to define navigations in the application
  • theme : Used to define UI properties (color, font, shape, and theme)
  • ui : Handle user interface (divided into components and screens), every screens has subfolder and every subfolder contains at least viewmodel, state, and screen
  • utils : Define helper const and functions
  • worker : Place for Work Manager



  • Create bottom sheet for another options
  • Compose code refactor
  • Create dynamic options for drinking bottle/glass/cups
  • User management using firebase
  • Find best practice for unit testing
  • Add reminder for user to drink water
  • Create unit test
  • Create instrumentation test (unit test first to test business logic)

How to run the app

  1. Clone this project using git clone https://github.com/andriawan24/hydration-tracker
  2. Open the project using latest android studio
  3. Choose emulator and run the app
  4. Optional for device with low memory like me: Take a deep breath, make an coffee while waiting for the gradle to finished ><


Please contribute! I'm just getting my hands dirty with Jetpack Compose. There is heavy chance that the code may/may not be correct/holding best practices. I request you to contribute/ raise issues/ send PRs so I can learn too. You can use the Github Discussion to discuss and ask questions. Or you can reach out to me on email fawaznaufal23@gmail.com


If you have any feedback, please reach out me at fawaznaufal23@gmail.com