
A simple plugin to check if you did not forget to import babel macro when using css prop of styled-components - or to remove such import when css prop is not used.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A simple plugin to check if you did not forget to import babel macro when using css prop of styled-components - or to remove such import when css prop is not used.


npm install -D eslint-plugin-styled


Add to your .eslintrc

  "plugins": ["styled"],
  "rules": {
    "styled/require-macro": [2],
    "styled/unused-macro": [2]


There are additional options available.

prop defines name of the prop (checks are case-insensitive). For styled-components it is css.

import defines import path. Maybe you would want to use it with some other lib or something. It is styled-components/macro by default.

"rules": {
  "styled/require-macro": [2,
      "prop": "css",
      "import": "styled-components/macro"
  "styled/unused-macro": [2,
      "prop": "css",
      "import": "styled-components/macro"


There is no tests here, nor proper meta... Maybe I will add it later. Feel free to pull-request these.

This plugin seeks for import from required file - first import will be used. It won't check for named imports or whatever - there is an assumption that macro file is used only for macro import "styled-components/macro.

I use this to use styled-components with vite and vite-plugin-babel-macros