
Demo project to showcase how Crowdin In-Context can be integrated into the Vue app

Primary LanguageVue

Crowdin In-Context demo for Vue App

Crowdin In-Context tool allows translating texts directly within the actual web application. In such a way, the best translation quality is maintained

This project is aimed to showcase how Crowdin In-Context can be integrated into the Vue app


How to use 🔧

By default, App is running on an English locale. For translating in context, please select the "In-Context" option at the bottom of the page.

To use your own Crowdin project, you need:

  • fork this repo
  • setup GitHub Page for your project and point it to the gh-pages branch (Settings > Pages)
  • go to the Actions tab and enable workflows
  • change the project in the In-Context configuration (index.html file)
  • upload src/locales/en.json file to the Crowdin project
  • replace src/locales/ach.json (in the repository) with your In-Context language strings
  • wait until the GH Workflow finish and visit your page.

To add a new locale you need to add new language file to the src/locales directory and add an option to the src/components/LocaleSwitcher.vue.

Additional links

