
Project description:

Topic №6: University Admission System

    A student registers for exams.
    An administrator sets grades.
    A student chooses a specialty at the university.
    The system generates rating list of enrolled students.
    Students receive a notification of admission.
You should install to launch the project:
  • JDK 8
  • MySQl 8
  • Tomcat 9
  • Maven
Installation instructions:
  • Click "Clone or download" button on the top-left corner
  • Choose "Download ZIP"
  • Unpack ZIP-archive
  • Open folder "src\main\resources\sqlScripts"
  • Launch "create.sql" script at MySQL Command Line
  • Launch "insert.sql" script at MySQL Command Line
Instructions for launching the application:
  • open command line
  • cd {path to directory where you unpacked ZIP-archive}
  • mvn clean install
  • open folder {path to directory where you unpacked ZIP-archive}/target
  • deploy "UniversityAdmissionSystem.war" file to Tomcat
  • start up Tomcat, launch your web browser, navigate to application URL