Usage: environ [--rebuild 0] [--build 0] [--local 0] [--cachedir <0|path>] \ [--dir <path>] [-l|--localdir <path>] <product> [<path>] environ - generate a folder with helper scripts to manage and automate services in test environments without privileged access. The command prints the path to a folder with generated scripts. Further, use 'start' / 'stop' / 'status' / 'print_address' / etc scripts in generated folders to review what they do and to manage services. For a full list of available commands refer to the content of generated folders, (shell completion is useful there as well). --rebuild 0 - do not overwrite existing templates, if any. --build 0 - do not search and call 'build' script among the created templates. --local 0 - do not create a folder in the current directory, only a folder in the cache directory will be created. --cachedir 0 - do not create a folder in the cache directory, only a local folder will be created. --cachedir <path> - use <path> for cache directory location (default is /temp/environ/) --dir <path> - path to templates (default /usr/share/environ.d/). -l <path>, --localdir <path> - additional path to templates (default t/lib/environ/). <product> - a service for which scripts will be generated. Currently supported values are names of folders in --tempatedir parameter (default /usr/share/environ.d/product). <product> may be also followed by a digit if more than one service is needed. <path> - if specified, must point to a folder with source codes of the desired product. In this case templates (when available) will actually build the product from source, (unless --build option is set to 0). Notes: * DON"T USE IT IN PRODUCTION. 'environ' is intended to be used for testing and 'proof of concept' purposes only. It intentionally makes services less secure to ensure ease of use; * 'environ' utility and generated scripts never use privileged access, so all commands are safe for general system configuration (the services may occupy certain ports though, this is the only side effect); * to prevent conflicts between services generated in different location - the utility uses cache directory (default /var/cache/environ/). It will try to properly cleanup services; * at the moment the templates do not cover installing actual services and their dependencies (make sure all dependencies are installed for the desired service); * all content of generated folders will be deleted when the folder is recreated (unless `--rebuild 0` parameter is provided); * all configuration used and service' logs will usually remain inside the generated folder; * most of the templates use special directory 'dt' inside generated folders, where files will be placed (e.g. actual data for database services or content of WebServers with autoindex enabled, etc); * it currently covers a limited set of products, but the concept must be useful for testing in most of software projects; * when reusing an existing folder, the utility will attempt to stop and cleanup existing services. So corresponding diagnostic messages will be printed in the console. Examples: * Generate templates for managing local Apache web server, start it, add files and list them with curl commands: environ ap1 ap1/start ap1/status echo mytest > ap1/dt/myfile ap1/curl -I /myfile # commands below should print 'mytest' ap1/curl /myfile curl -s $(ap1/print_address)/myfile * Generate templates for a randomly chosen web server, start it, add files and list them with curl command. The Web Server will be Apache or Nginx (50/50): if test $((RANDOM % 10 < 5)) -le 5; then ws=$(environ ap1); else ws=$(environ ng1); fi $ws/start echo mytest > $ws/dt/myfile $ws/curl -I /myfile * Generate templates for managing local postgres database, start it, create database, create test table: environ pg1 pg1/start pg1/create_db mytest pg1/sql_mytest 'create table t as select 1' # now there are several ways to execute SQL commands: pg1/sql_mytest 'select * from t' pg1/sql -t -c 'select * from t' mytest PGHOST=$(pwd)/pg1/dt psql -t -c 'select * from t' mytest * Generate templates for managing local rsync server, configure rsync module, start the service, add files and list them using rsync client commands: rs=$(environ rs) $rs/configure_dir test1 $rs/dt/test1 mkdir -p $rs/dt/test1 $rs/start touch $rs/dt/test1/test2 $rs/ls_test1 | grep test2 RSYNC_PASSWORD=$USER rsync --list-only rsync://$($rs/print_address)/test1/ | grep test2