
Blanca application with Blanca DUMAS Interpreter

Primary LanguageKotlin


Blanca app Blanca is drawing app that allows users to draw objects on the screen using the blanca programming langauge.

blanca demo

Blanca DUMAS Interpreter Blanca DUMAS Interpreter is a Ultra fast, Highly efficient Functional programming language designed for drawing objects. DUMAS pronounced dumbass stands for Design Utility Methods only Application Syntax. DUMAS is designed to make it easier for typing code on mobile.



DUMAS comments are one of the easiest comment styles compared to any other programming langauge. DUMAS provides a very efficient and scaleable way of writing comments.

Single line comment // this is a single line comment

two line comment

//this is a

//two line comment

three line comment

//this is a

//three line



drawCircle(radius, posX, posY) Draws a circle of a given radius at a position (x, y) on the UI

drawLine(startX, startY, endX, endY) Draws a line from a start point x and y to and end point x and y

writeText(text, posX, posY) Draws text at the given x and y position

clear() Clears the blanca canvas

###loops Repeating actions on blanca is extremely simple. Here is an example how to draw 3 circles on the UI :


its as simple as that. JK, loops are WIP.