
Small AVR library in C.

Primary LanguageC

#whatAVR Small collection of code I refactored from various project I've done relating to AVRs. Getting pretty dated now since I haven't done much AVR programming in a few years.

Below is a small overview of the modules available.

##Getting started

  1. mkdir /path/to/project
  2. touch /path/to/project/main.c
  3. cp /path/to/whatAVR/Makefile_template /path/to/project/Makefile
  4. cp /path/to/whatAVR/config.h /path/to/project/config.h
  5. cd /path/to/project
  6. Edit the paths in the Makefile to point to where whatAVR is.
  7. Add the following code to main.c and run make
#include "config.h"

#include <avr/io.h>

int main( void ) 
    // start main loop
    while( 1 ) 

    return 0;


Name Description
LFSR Pseudo-random number generator using linear feedback shift register in Galois configuration.
RC5 Decodes RC5 codes from IR remotes.
UPRINTF Small printf lib.
USART Hardware USART library with interrupt support and send/recv callbacks.
SPI Hardware SPI library.
TWI Hardware TWI/I2C library.


Name Description
SD/MMC Routines for accessing SD/MMC cards.
MAX6675 Routines for communicating with the MAX6675 chip from Maxim.
NSM73M Routines for communicating with the NSM73M FM transmitter from SparkFun.
CLCD Library for character LCD's using the HD44780U(4 bit mode) and compatible controllers.