
Preview serving microservice for s3. Generates and uploads any missing thumbnails. Redirects to existing.

Primary LanguageGo


What is it?

A web-service that attempts to remove the complexity of previews (or thumbnails) from applications. It utilitizes Amazon's Object Storage (s3) for both original files and previews.

Example Use

If you have an image on s3, say "s3preview-demo/1.jpg" in the bucket "andridk-assets" and for some reason, you would like to serve a 100 pixel wide preview of that image.

Then you can set s3preview up to read from "andridk-assets" and link to it from HTML like

<img src="http://s3preview-demo.herokuapp.com/s3preview-demo/1.jpg?t=small">

If the preview exists on your "preview-bucket", then s3preview will redirect the browser to the actual file on s3. If the preview doesn't exist, it will be generated, served to the browser and uploaded to s3.

s3preview demo image


  • Resizing while maintaining aspect-ratio
  • Thumbnail. Resize and crop
  • Transparent. It will serve the same paths as your s3 bucket.
  • Should be fast (I'll measure that later)
  • On-start generation of any missing preview images.
  • Caching of preview-list from s3. *
    • I use a Bloom filter so there is a possibility of false positives. The result is that s3preview might redirect to a preview file that doesn't exist yet. Don't worry, I have a plan.
  • Stateless. You can scale out by starting more instances of the service.

That sounds awesome. How can I try it?


If you see a picture below the example, then you've already been served an image from s3preview. If not, Heroku is probably forcing my Dyno to sleep.

You may also try your own:



Build your own

git clone https://github.com/andrioid/s3preview
docker build -t yours3preview .
docker run -ti \
	-e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<yourkey> -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<yoursecret> -e ASSET_BUCKET=<yourassetbucket> -e PREVIEW_BUCKET=<yourpreviewbucket> \
	-e ASSET_PREFIX="" -e PREVIEW_PREFIX="s3preview/"

Use my automated build

docker run -ti \
	-e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<yourkey> -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<yoursecret> -e ASSET_BUCKET=<yourassetbucket> -e PREVIEW_BUCKET=<yourpreviewbucket> \
	-e ASSET_PREFIX="" -e PREVIEW_PREFIX="s3preview/"


It's not pretty, but it works.



These are the standard thumbnails (that may change).

There are two supported methods.

  • "resize": Scales the image. If either height, or width is 0 it will respect aspect-ratio
  • "thumbnail": Scales and crop the image.
# Squared 200 pixel thumbnail (crop)
width = 200
height = 200
method = "thumbnail"

# Squared 100 pixel thumbnail
width = 100
height = 100
method = "thumbnail"

# 100 pixel high scaled
width = 0
height = 100
method = "resize"

# Squared 500 pixel thumb 
width = 500
height = 500
method = "thumbnail"

Command Line Interface (and env)

Can be produced by running s3preview --help

   s3preview - Previews (or thumbnails) for AWS S3 objects

   s3preview [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


   Andri Óskarsson <andri80@gmail.com> 

   help, h	Shows a list of commands or help for one command
   --aws-key 		AWS Access Key. Needs to have S3 Access. [$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID]
   --aws-secret 	AWS Secret Key [$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY]
   --port "80"		HTTP listen port [$PORT]
   --asset-bucket 	Bucket to retrieve originals from [$ASSET_BUCKET]
   --asset-prefix 	Prefix for Asset Bucket. E.g. /originals [$ASSET_PREFIX]
   --preview-bucket 	Bucket to store previews on. Needs to be public for redirects to work. [$PREVIEW_BUCKET]
   --preview-prefix 	Prefix for Preview Bucket. E.g. /s3preview [$PREVIEW_PREFIX]
   --generate		Will generate missing previews during startup. [$GENERATE]
   --help, -h		show help


In no particular order

  • Clean up the code (isn't it always there?)
  • Add support for mp4 video files.
  • Better handle too much load. Return an error when too busy with preview-generation.



MIT License (tldr)